Jason Mcdonald, Author at Talking Guns

Jason McdonaldJanuary 28, 20201min127310

Mantis X Shooting System

The newest way to improve your shooting skills and follow up shots, while using your phone or tablet, all while not driving to or spending money on ammunition at the range.

The detailed readings the Mantis gives you, can help improve techniques of even the most experienced shooter!

****** This interview was voted best Mic placement at Shot Show 2020 ******





Video by Jason Mcdonald

Audio by Mike Kovacs

#mantis #mantisx #improvement #improveyourself #improvements #improved #improveyourlife #selfimprovement #focus #understanding #understand #details #detail #analysis #data #datascience #talkingguns

Jason McdonaldJanuary 20, 20202min74550


Talking Guns Founder Brian Kovacs joins Newsmax – America Talks Live – with Guest Host Jonathan Gilliam for an in depth discussion of the Unconstitutional actions of the Virginia Governor and his State of Emergency declaration ahead of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Gun Rights Rally scheduled for 1/20/2020.